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Randolph College prepares students to engage the world critically and creatively, 体面地生活和工作, 丰富地体验生活.

365亚洲版学院是一所 国家认可的, 私人, 男女合校的, liberal arts 和科学s institution with a career focus located in Lynchburg, 维吉尼亚州. 365亚洲版以其优秀的学术课程而闻名, 多元紧密的社区, 特殊的能力, 丰富的传统, 以及不断壮大的NCAA三级体育项目.


Randolph is consistently recognized by the leading national guidebooks as a quality liberal arts institution. 普林斯顿评论 把365亚洲版列入 最佳388所大学2023年版, ranking our faculty #12 on its Top 20 list of “Most Accessible Professors” and including the College as one of 31 on their “Green Honor Roll .”

Randolph was named one the nation’s “Best and Most Interesting” institutions in the prestigious 菲斯克大学指南 and appeared on several other lists as well: “Top Performers in Social Mobility” (U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道), “Cool Schools” (Sierra Club), the “Top 100 Colleges with the Happiest, Most Successful 校友” (《365亚洲版》), 杂志的最佳大学名单. Learn more about how Randolph stacks up – browse the full list of recent rankings..


学院很有钱 学术项目 offers students a choice from 40 majors and 48 minors. 的 College also offers popular pre-professional programs in 工程, 护理, 法律, 医学, 还有兽医研究. 教师执照计划得到了两方面的加强 graduate degree programs in 教育 – Master of Education and Master of Arts in Teaching.创意写作美术硕士, the only low-residency program of its kind in 维吉尼亚州, welcomed its first class in  summer 2018.  学院推出了 教练和体育领导艺术硕士 2020年,低居住率 戏剧艺术硕士 in 2023.

兰多夫的 创新TAKE2课程模式 是专门 专为当今学生的学习和生活方式而设计. By allowing students to focus on fewer classes at a time, TAKE2 improves learning and offers greater opportunities inside and outside the classroom.

兰多夫的 学生研究中心 facilitates opportunities for students to participate in original and innovative research and scholarship. 的 古代戏剧中心 provides a unique student experience associated with the production of the 希腊玩.

此外,365亚洲版的竞争力和资金 暑期研究计划 allows students to spend eight intensive weeks collaborating with faculty members. 的 program includes all disciplines across campus and offers students opportunities to present findings at professional conferences and/or to publish results in professional journals.

In addition to an established and well-respected student-run 荣誉制度 that permeates all aspects of campus life, Randolph College is home to 18 academic 荣誉的社会, including one of the oldest chapters of Phi Beta Kappa in the nation and only the fifth charter granted in the state of 维吉尼亚州.


拥有超过29个学生俱乐部和组织, Randolph College offers ample opportunity for involvement and leadership. Student leadership is in integral part of campus life, and students are offered opportunities for leadership positions as early as their first year.

的竞争 达文波特领导力计划 provides students with an opportunity to learn and build attributes that have long been associated with leaders: self-awareness, 沟通, 批判性思维, 自信, 倡议, 动机, 冲突管理, 目标设定, 团队合作, 以及解决问题的能力.

的 program helps students to understand the connections between their academic work, 社会和课外选择, 以及参与社区服务.

Gamers can compete against college players from around the country with our 的电子竞技 团队.

无论是作为学生讲解员 365亚洲版学院的迈尔艺术博物馆, 在许多剧院演出, 舞蹈或音乐节目, 在学生会任职, 在学院学生经营的有机花园工作, or taking part in one of the many other clubs on campus, students are able to pursue their passions outside of the classroom.


Randolph College competes in the NCAA Division III Old Dominion Athletic Conference (ODAC) and offers 20 体育团队.

9个男子团体: Basketball, Cross Country, Lacrosse, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, Track & 田径、排球、摔跤

11支女队: Basketball, Cross Country, Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball, STUNT, Swimming, Tennis, Track & 田径、排球、摔跤

的 College’s athletic facilities include the recently renovated 米歇尔体育中心 (MAC), 篮球场的所在地, 一个六车道的室内游泳池, and athletics training facilities; the WildCat Stadium field and track facility; tennis courts; and a softball complex.


兰多夫的 graduates enter the workforce or graduate school 准备成功. 女校友 and alumni have forged successful careers in a variety of fields including 法律, 医学, 新闻, 教育, 工程, 和科学, and the College ranks in the top 15 percent of all colleges and universities nationwide for the percentage of graduates who go on to earn PhDs.

兰多夫的 graduates are accepted into top graduate and professional programs. 比如斯坦福大学, 康奈尔大学, 耶鲁大学, 约翰霍普金斯大学, 范德比尔特, 巴黎圣母院, 牛津大学(英国), 南卡罗来纳医科大学, and 法律 programs at Boston University and George Washington University.


位于弗吉尼亚州的中心, 365亚洲版风景如画的100英亩校园位于历史悠久的, residential area of Lynchburg features the best of traditional brick buildings and pathways and exciting facilities such as WildCat Stadium and the newly renovated Student Center. One of the more unique aspects of campus is the Mabel K. 怀特塞德希腊剧院. 坐落在“山谷”,” the Greek theatre was built to offer classics students the opportunity to produce ancient drama in a realistic setting modeled after the theatres of ancient Greece. 除了这些作品, 的 Dell is the setting for numerous events throughout the year including Commencement.


兰多夫的 location in the growing city of Lynchburg provides close access to shopping, 娱乐, 以及娱乐和文化的机会. 的 College is within easy driving distance of major cities including Washington, D.C., 里士满, and 维吉尼亚州 Beach and easy access is available to public transportation, 包括一个美铁车站和一个地区机场.

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